just a thought_anand k nair_050119

Welcome back to my world!

January 10th 2019.

I waited this long from New Year’s day to write this blog simply because that’s how much time it generally takes most people who ‘seriously’ carve up a lengthy list of new year resolutions on the 31st of the passing year, and then see them evaporating into smoke subsequently! And of course, it happens every year, year after year…

So why do we keep bothering making resolutions as the year ends only to break away from them a week or ten days later? Do we really need to make these resolutions time and again, year after year winding up in fruitless culmination, so to speak?!

Frankly, between you and me, the only reason why we make new year resolutions is because we want to break out of remaining a stagnant ‘Same’ and to live an existence of a fascinatingly productive constant ‘Change’. A Change that we know, deep within, is the best form of existence for becoming really ICONIC in whatever we do. To become AWE-INSPIRING for others to follow. To craft a way of life that would make a “I HAVE ARRIVED, FOLKS!” statement.

But it never works, let’s face it! And the only reason why it never works is because we have become too habitual in existing in our comfort zones of remaining in the ‘Same’, for one. And for the other, we define our resolutions with so much emotional élan, desiring to bring an instant Change in our lives, that it finally becomes akin to taking a walk to the moon!

So then, how do we not make resolutions and still transform into the person we so desire to become? It’s pretty much simple, really. Quit making resolutions and just incorporate a few, what I call, ‘ATTITUDINAL TRIGGERS’:

AT 1

Try BEATING THE SUN RISE every morning. And why not?! The most successful people on planet Earth who constitute merely 5% of the globe’s 8 billion population, jump out of bed much earlier than you can conceive. Feel the crisp fresh air flowing into your nostrils as you breath. Enjoy the peaceful calm of a quiet morning that will exist for just a while longer. Get your grey cells in your head to churn out new and innovative ideas to exploit during the day even before the rest of the world can wake up to doing so. There will be no other time to do this undisturbed than Now.

AT 2

MEDITATE. 20 minutes. That’s all it takes. There is phenomenal POWER in silence. Get in touch with your Inner Being. Feel the real YOU. Give it a shot. You won’t be disappointed.

AT 3

WORKOUT. Get your Dopamine churning the best in you. Shoot down the stress. Quit worrying and reaching out to your vices. Every problem, in actual fact, is 5% reality and 95% imagination. Pump up the oxygen in your lungs. Breath deep and strong. No matter how harsh the winters get, you have an invincible summer inside you!

AT 4

Notch up on GRATITUDE and APPRECIATION. Nothing can ever feel more satisfying than feeling grateful for those little things that make our lives so much more meaningful. And if we live each day without our blinders, it won’t be difficult at all to observe a zillion things to appreciate and be grateful for.

AT 5

Dream up GOALS but don’t get obsessed by them. Instead, get passionate with the path to realize the goal. You can’t achieve growing the best of apples if you first don’t concentrate on the soil, seeds, fertilizers, weather conditions and whatever have you. If the path is given the right attention, the apples will manifest in any case.

And finally, AT 6

BURN UP YOUR FEARS OF THE UNKNOWN. You can’t get out of life alive! So you might as well give each moment the best shot you can, taking all the risks that come along with it. What difference will it make? You will either fly high or fall. And falling isn’t an issue at all. Most successful people have plummeted more than you can possibly imagine. But they always made sure to land on their backs. It’s easier to bounce up again!

So take my advice. To hell with resolutions! Live and let live!! And work on becoming your Best Possibility this year!!!

Happy New Year…


Anand K Nair

Leadership Coach. Motivational Speaker. Life Counsellor. Author. Business Consultant.


Anand Nair Leadership Foundation


Email: anand@anandknair.com




Author of: The Sledgehammer’s Edge