I am Woman

I am

The hope filled inspiration of a new dawn

The tranquil calm of the setting sun

The warm embalming caress on a stressed brow

The touch of reassurance to a broken heart

I am

The quintessence of motherhood

Within the dark abyss of my womb

I lovingly nurture future generations

Holding them fiercely close to my bosom till they seek no more of me

I am

The hiss of steam from a vessel on fire

The silent sweat that flows without protest

The being that only knows to love and cherish

And to tenderly imbibe into each moment the purity of reverence


But You

You could never see me the way I am

For you I am an object to vent your frustrations

To release your morbid violence on

To raise your hands and break my bones

To forcibly enter my being to satisfy your manly desires

And then to discard me justifiably because you are You

Leaving me tormented, ragged and numb


And Yet

You come to me that part of a year

Your body covered in saffron and pure white

Hiding beneath the real you

Carrying incense and florets

Adorning my body with the finest of vestments

Decorating my hair with a corsage of flowers

Fervently chanting my name in numerous ways

Maa Shailputri, Maa Brahmacharini, Maa Chandraghanta, Maa Kushmanda Maa Skandamata, Maa Katyayani, Maa Kalaratri, Maa Mahagauri, Maa Siddhidatri


And then

You grovel at my feet

Kissing them with the same lips you silenced mine

Placing your forehead on the dust of the earth

And desperately requesting me to grant you your boon


Maa, give me a son, give me a son, give me a son…


Anand K Nair

Inspirational Speaker. Leadership Coach. Mentor. Life Counselor. Author. Artist.
